Monday, June 7, 2010

Where Never Is A Time

Do We?
Are we?
Will be…..?
Utter your words and bombard them with basic questions they never questioned. Faces go aghast. Mouths open and close on nothing. They turn and leave you. Asking..
Do We?
Are we?
Will be…..?
They always push the voices to where they cannot hear them. But today, a tiny whisper escaped. They tried to drown it away but it was too late. It had forever colored their eyes.
The gleam of hope sparkles in your eyes. I was there before, where ‘away' was a place; where tomorrow was 'someday' and where things had meaning only because they had no meaning. But now I'm here, where never is a time. Trapped in the walls of a fragile invincible bubble, you cannot free me… for if you did, you would have killed the dead;  you would have to let nothingness exist.
they talk about pain like they know it. i want to believe so, but I can't. All things break, but some are never the same again, and some will never be again. pain has no reason, but it hurts all the same. I keep on editing you. I keep on rectifying past mistakes. within my head, I click  "delete". you hated how I laughed. But really, misery is the funniest thing ever. they call something funny when it's unreasonable, and what on Earth is more unreasonable than you?
And do I have to be afraid? But I am beyond fear. I am where fear has no existence for caring has long abolished. I am where the alive are wishing to die. And do the dead wish to come back to life? I think so. Because "there" is always better than "here"
And now....
Now I want to sabotage and not be sued. I want to spend and not be poor. I want to shout and not be hushed. I want to walk naked and not be scrutinized. I want to be beyond being. Or, I wish I never were. 
 Being confounds us, but we cannot but be. The truth is, nobody is wrong. They won't live with the thought of them being evil, so they twist the truths. So nobody is evil, we are just too prone to misery. Being restrains us, but we cannot but be. 
Be Free
But first,
Do not be
For freedom never was 

Check Out Magpie Tales 


Paul C said...

I like the spirit of questioning everlasting nothingness.

THE BEATY said...

welcome back Maha great job on this magpie

Oddyoddyo13 said...

I love how you question everything we consider average. Normal, even.

Katherine said...

Such deep, poetic introspection here Maha. I believe there is nothing abnormal in examining ones 'being'.. & questioning the who's, what's, where's & why's in the world! With internal thought.. we may just find some answers ...for ourselves at least. Trying to make sense of it all!

Brian Miller said...

when we realise we are nothing, and at the same time something, then something remarkable happens...

you came back with a bang...two treats in one day....

Anonymous said...

love the questioning, love the being free --- never was....bkm

steveroni said...

Maha, to read you again is to smile, just knowing such gifts as yours exist, and are used.

I really believe that "time" does not exist as we know it. This thought arrived to me at a session of time bending--when time seemed to reverse itself for me. It was just a personal thing, but I felt it, knew it, and now believe it (it has happened too many times since).

Realizing this was probably not within your topic parameters, I will not throw out at you some of my other beliefs!

YOU are however, an amazingly gifted writer, that is for real, and for sure!

Magpie said...

So much in life to ponder. Thank you for two posts in one day. Glad you're back.

m. said...

this is beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Questioning ourselves helps us grow and make things happen. Welcome back. This is a wonderful post...:)

dianne said...

'Being' is a challenge to most of us at times and 'Never' is a long time.
Great post Maha! xoxo ♡

Tess Kincaid said...

Beautiful and thought provoking piece.

Gabriela Abalo said...

Insightful and touching.

great Magpie


steviewren said...

We are because we think and wonder and question our being.

Allie said...


Anonymous said...

This leaves me within a place of deep thought..a familiar niche where I love to be! Nice work!

CHummelKornell said...

Very introspective. Love the challenge. Well done.

Vicki Lane said...

"To be beyond being' -- an interesting concept!

THE BEATY said...

also it raises the question how can you yern for something you never had

Sam Liu said...

Each time, I lose myself in your amazing writing...this is such a profound piece, suffused with the deepest of philosophy. A true delight to read, Maha.

Lyn said...

If you never were, this would be a blank's more useful to be..
And even if we think we'll stop being..we won't really..
thanks for being an interesting writer!!

Tumblewords: said...

Wonderfully provocative!

Roland D. Yeomans said...

Eternal searching. That is the nature of the feeling heart and seeing mind. Thanks for such a lovely blog. Roland

Dulçe ♥ said...

Hey Maha
I am sure I left a comment here last Sunday or Saturday... where is it gone? Surely I did not write the right password or any at all.
Your writing is sad exquisite and so from someone seeing the world as a funny (not ha ha) place...


Shadow said...

there are more truths here than i care to acknowledge...

chiccoreal said...

Dear Maha: The student learns these truths from the master. How in awe I am at these truths. All we can ever be is "to be" or "be". Everything else is false. Love the dialectic story; reminds me of Phaedrus and Aristotle or Plato? Very wise indeed! Thank-you Maha!

THE BEATY said...

check out my new big comic at

Helena said...

That was an amazing piece.

'trapped in the walls of a fragile invincible bubble, you cannot free me…'

loved that line.

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

very wisely done,
cool words.

C.M. Jackson said...

though provoking and beautiful--great magpie--love the look of your blog

Wild Rose said...

If you ever publish a book please let me know, your writing is amazing~